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Although it may not be immediately apparent, the striking simplicity and beauty of “soil” products is achieved using a surprising element: diatomaceous earth. The excellent moisture retention and water absorption properties that it possesses make it the ultimate breathing material. These properties have been harnessed in our products by the unique plastering technology of soil Co., Ltd. The products stand out due to their comforting design and their innovative use of nature’s own blessings.


Design directed by: h-concept, we designed for 6 items of the line-up products.


KNIFE TRAY は、様々な形状の包丁をすっきりと置くことができる専用トレイです。高さが押さえられたデザインで、安定性もよくキッチンでも場所をとらずすっきりと使って頂けます。置ける包丁の数は2本までです。

See the attached picture.

Our knife holder’s low height makes it stable and less space-consuming. It can hold up to two knives of different shapes.

【 KNIFE TRAY 】color : white or pink or green

​ size :D70×W225×H55mm     Price:¥4,500(税込¥4,950)


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​スクエアなデザインが特徴的なCUTTING BOARD STAND(まな板立て)です。soilならではの吸水性はそのままに、両面使用が可能で、キッチンへの傷に配慮し、設置面にはシリコンを塗布しています。まな板は約2cmのものまで立てることが可能です。

Our cutting board stand has a unique square design and a high absorption rate like other “soil” series products. Both sides can be used, and the surface is coated with silicon to prevent it from damaging the table surface. Cutting boards of up to 2cm in thickness can fit on the stand. Since its dimensions are the same as those of our drying board and cutting board stand for PET bottles, they can be used lined up together on an island-type kitchen table.

【CUTTING BOARD STAND 】color : white or pink or green

​ size :D90×W90×H90mm     Price:¥5,800(税込¥6,380)


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DRYING BOARD for PET bottle は、ご家庭でペットボトルを洗った後、立てて置くことで水切りがしっかりできるアイテムです。9個の愛らしい凸形状が、ペットボトルの飲み口を内側から保持します。ペットボトルは3本、蓋も3個置ける設計です。CUTTING BOARD STANDやDRYING BOARDとサイズを合わせているので、アイランドキッチンで並べてお使いいただけます。

Our drying board for PET bottles absorbs water drops from PET bottles, as it holds the mouths of the bottles from the inside. The board, which has nine convex parts, can hold three PET bottles and caps. Since its dimensions are the same as those of our cutting board stand and drying board, they can be used lined up together on an island-type kitchen table.

【DRYING BOARD for PET bottle 】color : white or pink or green

​ size :D108×W90×H27mm     Price:¥1,500(税込¥1,650)



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DRYING BOARD は、食洗機に入れて洗えないワイングラスや、漆器、工芸品などを乾かすのに最適です。DRYING BOARD for PET bottle や CUTTING BOARD STAND とサイズを合わせているので、アイランドキッチンで並べてお使いいただけます。

Our drying board is suitable for drying wine glasses, lacquerware, craft items, etc. that cannot be washed in a dishwasher. Since the dimensions of the drying board are the same as those of the drying board stand for PET bottles and cutting board stand, they can be used lined up together on an island-type kitchen table.

【DRYING BOARD 】color : white or pink or green

​ size :D90×W90×H8mm 2枚入り     Price:¥1,800(税込¥1,980)


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UMBRELLA STAND は、シンプルなデザインに、一般的な傘なら3本まで使える傘たてです。大き目の穴には、折り畳み傘も1本差せるように設計されています。水滴は傘先から吸い取りします。

Our umbrella stand is simply designed so as not to stand out too much in the entrance. It can hold up to three umbrellas. The large hole can hold a folding-type umbrella. Water drops are absorbed from the tips of the umbrellas. The board is made of a strong enough material to withstand being struck by the tips of umbrellas.

【UMBRELLA STAND】color : white or pink or green

​ size :D90×W221×H145mm     Price:¥6,500(税込¥7,150)


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INCENSE-CASE は、線香の収納と、お香立てを兼ね備えたケースです。蓋を裏返すとお香立てとして使えます。灰を敷けば、線香を寝かせて焚くこともできます。サイズはSとMの2サイズあります。( S は長さ10cmが約15 本、M は長さ20cmが約25本保管できます。)

Our incense case can be used both as a case for storing incense and as an incense stand. Turn the lid over to use it as a stand. It is possible to lay the incense down if ash is spread on the lid.

There are two sizes: S and M. (S size: 15 pieces of 10cm-long incense, M size: 25 pieces of 20cm-long incense)

【INCENSE-CASE S】color : white or pink or green or black

​ size :D31×W107×H18mm     Price:¥3,800(税込¥4,180)

【INCENSE-CASE M】color : white or pink or green or black

​ size :D37×W207×H22.5mm     Price:¥4,300(税込¥4,730)


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