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When you put soy sauce or other condiments on these plates, as if by magic, a cherry blossom pattern emerges. The “hiracle” range of plates add a touch of class to any dinner. Although they are traditional Kutani ceramic ware, these plates are simply designed to fit any modern dining table. 
The smaller plates are designed to be used with the cherry blossom plates, which they fit into. They can be used as spice or salt containers, or as chopstick rests. You can choose from three colors of white, pink, blue.

hiracle さくら小皿・豆皿 各2枚セット 白

: ホワイト
  • 材   質:磁器(九谷焼)

    サ イ ズ:小皿 Φ100mm×高さ26mm 2枚入

          豆皿 幅60×奥行60×高さ15mm 2枚入

    製品重量 :約88g/小皿 約16g/豆皿 


    包装重量 :約250g

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